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A Flytec Computers está localizada em: Shopping Internacional - Av. Adrian Jara y Ytaybate - Ciudad del Este:

Loja 1: Subsolo Salas 6 à 16 - Tel. (0xx 595 61) 503 343

Loja 2: 1 Piso Sala 104 - Tel. (0xx 595 61) 503 508

Shopping Lai Lai Center

Loja 1: 4 Piso Salas 406 e 407

Loja 2: 2 Piso Sala 212

Rubio Ñu entre Avda. Eusebio Ayala y Avda. Monseñor Cedzchiz

Edificio FLYTEC

Informações do Produto
AMPLIFICADOR HYP INT 1WATT 2401MG-1000 B/G | Flytec Computers

Em estoque

Código: 27333
clique na imagem para ampliar
u$ 60,00
12VDC Power Supply Included
Outdoor Models Include DC Injector and Mast-Mount Hardware
Receive Bandpass Filter
Standard Models: 100 mw to 2 Watt
IEEE 802.11g (b/g) and 802.11b Only Compatible (see chart below)
802.11g (b/g) models supports 108 Mbit/sec "Turbo Mode" data rates
Streaming Media Ready Models (see chart below)
Cast Aluminum Construction
N-Female Connectors (RP-TNC connectors available by special order)
Durable UV-Stable Finish
Transmit and Receive LEDs
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